These delicious chocolate mug cakes are quick and easy to make, perfect for a dose of indulgence in a flash. Serve with cream or a scoop of vanilla ice...
Evoke flavours of the Middle East with these nutty, syrup-soaked cakes, decorated with edible rose petals. They're a great bite-sized treat to take to...
Need a quick chocolate fix? Try making this easy microwave mug cake with storecupboard ingredients. It's even more delicious with a scoop of vanilla ice...
Need a quick chocolate fix? Try making this easy microwave mug cake with storecupboard ingredients. It's even more delicious with a scoop of vanilla ice...
This simple traybake is inspired by one of our favourite brews - chai. Spiced with cinnamon, nutmeg and cardamom, this moist coconut sponge is the perfect...
Turn a traditional Bonfire Night treat of freshly baked parkin into James Martin's irresistible layered dinner party dessert that can be assembled early...
Transform a stale loaf into a comforting bread and butter pudding. This traditional British dessert is layered with a rich vanilla custard, dried fruit...